The office of the Medical Examiners in the state of Maryland has come to the conclusion that there is nothing medical in the investigation done by Montgomery County Police Department that would sustain a ruling of suicide in my brother’s death. This is another piece of documentation and information that goes to show that the Montgomery County Police Department used inaccurate information and manipulation to classify my brother’s death a suicide.

This is also another piece of the puzzle that shows that someone possibly got away with murder in #MontgomeryCounty with the help of the Montgomery County Police Department back in 1986.

This is a victory for my family and for my mom in particular.

This is also a notification, alert, and an alarm for those that still hold the secrets as to what exactly happened to Keith. You still got time to fix the karma that you carry from whatever your participation was in the death of my brother, and you also have time to repent and come forward and tell the story about how my brother was strung up on that tree.