Official Case Documents

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Complete Autopsy Report

Complete 12 Page Autopsy Report Complete Autopsy report-Montgomery County Maryland Police procedure is to rule suicide, release body to funeral home of the officers choice, change the clothing, order no autopsy, then use information received 5-6hrs after the body was found to explain away and excuse their actions. Now unless the investigating officer and or [...]

Official Medicial Ex report with inaccurrate information

Medical Ex Report 001 Corner said he spoke to victims sister Keith had only one sister "Sherri", Sherri was out-of-state and she was a minor.  Who did he speak to and how could you blatantly lie on a state sealed document and get away with it?

By |2011-03-23T20:08:26+00:00March 23rd, 2011|Front Page, Official Case Documents|0 Comments

Official State Sealed Documents

This is the official state sealed documents that the coroner lied on. Keith had only one sister and at the time of death she was in NJ visiting with her aunt. Even if she was local she was a minor at the time and it would have been against the law to speak with [...]

By |2011-03-16T00:49:29+00:00March 16th, 2011|Front Page, Official Case Documents|0 Comments

Paramedic/first responder to crime scene of Mark Findley

Eyewitness say that Mark Findley looked like he had been hit by a car or blunt object.  It was also reported Mark's body was found behind the bike.  Per police report, Mark was riding his bicycle at 5am in the morning and fell off his bike hitting his head and bleeding to death.  This accident [...]

By |2011-03-16T00:28:35+00:00March 16th, 2011|Front Page, Official Case Documents|0 Comments

Duke University Hospital report 1985

Although the investigating officer obtain information about Keith's panic attack in 1985, which Dr's at Duke University hospital described as an anxiety attack , 6hrs after he released the body to the funeral home of his choice and embalmed the body prior to next of kin notification; the police officer continued to try to use [...]

By |2011-03-15T22:49:38+00:00March 15th, 2011|Front Page, Official Case Documents|0 Comments

Full Autopsy report-funded by family and friends

Due to no cooperation from the Medical Examiners office or the police department the financial burden fell onto the family to have an autopsy performed even though it is a right that is given to all tax paying citizens.

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